Get a slice of the country with this David Winter Cameos figurine! No matter how far you live from the country, this little number will make you feel as though a rambling pastoral farm is right next door. With its charming cobblestones and vibrant flowers, you will find yourself admiring this figurine everyday. Never has a collectible looked so lovely!
This figurine is designed by the wonderful David Winter Cameos. It is entitled "Welsh Pig Pen," and was created in 1991. Manufactured by John Hine, LTD., this little beauty is straight from Great Britain. The authentic insignia is on the underside of this piece. Amazingly, this piece was both handmade and hand-painted. This fact makes this piece, if possible, even more special!
David Winter's masterpiece features a small stone pen, which surrounds a cobblestone little structure that almost has the shape of an igloo. Colorful wildflowers surround it, some of them crawling over the edge of the stone wall. This lovely little number is made of resin, and is in excellent condition, free of any cracks or chips.
Never have I seen a pig pen that looks so appealing! One look at this figurine, and you will wish that you could be transported to see it in real life. Bring some country charm - minus the barnyard smell - into your home today!