- Aug 28 2021
What does Scalloped Edge or Rim mean?
Categories: ReplacementsScalloped is a term that is usually used to describe the rim edge or footed base of a plate, bowl, cup or other pieces of tableware. You may hear references like “This plate has a beautiful scalloped edge” or “The cup has a scalloped footed base” and not know exactly what it means. So, what does scalloped mean when you are talking about China or Crystal Dinnerware?
Scalloped is used to describe a series of curves that repeat. So if the edge of your plate has a repeating pattern of humps or curves then it is considered to have a Scalloped edge. When considering China & Crystal Dinnerware there are many types of scalloped edges, the curves can be very small to large or some may be rounded while others have squared off scallops. The patterns you find can very tremendously as well. You may find a simple pattern of repeating small humps continuously around the edge of the entire item or you may find three small humps that are broken up by a large hump and this pa
- Aug 28 2021
What Are Replacements?
Categories: ReplacementsWhen you hear the word replacements it could pretty much mean anything. Something that replaces something that you already own. But in most cases and with TGL Direct the word replacements is used to reference Replacement China and Crystal - Dinnerware or Tableware. Replacement China & Crystal are very popular because they enable one to keep a Dinnerware or Tableware set in use while at the same time saving money.
Many families have a china or crystal set that has been passed down through the ages from mothers to daughters for generations. Through the years pieces are bound to get chipped or broken but this doesn't mean the set has to be thrown out. Replacement pieces makes it possible for you to simply replace the piece that were damaged and keep your heirloom china set around to pass down to the next generation. Some sets are easier to find pieces for than others but even if you have to search a little bit the value in keeping a tradition alive makes
- Categories: Replacements
Your standing in your kitchen drying off a plate and talking with a friend when the plate suddenly slips and falls to the floor. “Crash” it shatters on the floor. What a horrible mess but even worse, it was a plate from your Grandmothers dinnerware set that she passed down to you. Luckily if you know what you are looking for, finding a replacement for that plate shouldn't be a daunting task and should be relatively inexpensive.
What's going to make your replacement china search go smoothly? Knowing what you are looking for! There are several types of plates used in most china and crystal dinnerware sets and if you know the type of plate you are searching for, your search will be so much easier.
In most dinnerware sets you will often find the following plates:
Dinner Plate – This is a larger plate used during dinners or suppers to serve the main course or entree of a meal. Dinner plates usually range in size from
- Aug 27 2021
Ouch! Shattered China Isn't Funny!
Categories: Fun and FunniesOuch! It looks like that hurt. Little Timmy and Frank don't think shattered China is funny!