Going Edgy with Steampunk Decor
First, a short backgrounder about steampunk:
The steampunk 'movement' or 'subculture' took its cue from novels, comic book series, and movies that hint of anachronistic Victorian or quasi-Victorian setting. It is an eccentric, yet interesting marriage of fiction with themes like horror and fantasy.
It’s basically speculative fiction’s younger brother—only much more hip!
Steampunk is like making your Macbook Air look like a really primitive abacus. It is Van Helsing, Hellboy, Wild Wild West, Final Fantasy 7, The Time Machine, and much more.
Steampunk is not all about movies, novels and tech gadgets. It is much more!
Steampunk Pieces as Decor
Steampunk was such a hit that it branched out to other disciplines—in this case, decor pieces.
Being a collector of interesting steampunk myself, I can vouch for their insane attention-getting qualities.
Some of my close friend are amazed at some of my steampunk finds. Many of them are starting to get into the design ideas.
For example, I actually have two Steampunk Fairy Resin Figurines guarding my living room. These nice decor items are both 10 inches tall and feature beautiful woodland nymphs with long flowing hair wearing industrial outfit. They sit atop skulls with cut portions that show ornate sets of gears.
These fantastic steampunk pieces are actually two of my favorite items; and judging from my guests’ reaction when they see them, I could say my fairies are their favorite, too!
Interesting Items You can Steampunk
While some folks I know just buy items online, some close friends actually "steampunk" their personal gadgets and valuables (computer keyboards, wristwatches, guitars, necklaces, bicycles, motorcycles, and more).
Being a DIY-kind of guy myself, I have also experimented on some basic decor pieces and wielded my magic on them. In fact, I’ve managed to sell some of my creations to friends!
Now, here are some items that you can steampunk yourself:
- Greek style urn. With some old gears and a soldering iron or welding machine, you can transform this Antique Victorian Metal Urn into a great decor. Its Ancient Greek accent enhances its antique look and with a little bit of tweaking, can be a perfect piece for your living room.
- Vintage typewriter. Some of the most common steampunk items I’ve seen are old typewriters. And you can buy our Antique Underwood Typewriter (circa 1917) and turn it into a bad-ass steampunk piece that will look awesome in your place.
- Die cast steam locomotive train. Steampunking such miniature will surely be exciting. Imagine buying this MTH Rail King Die Cast Steam Locomotive Train and turning it into a cyborg-like piece with gears, bolts, and nuts and anything that will make it a real steampunk creation. Your guests will definitely go loco over this locomotive!
- Vintage metal fan. Old fans are always great DIY-steampunk pieces. And our Westinghouse Vintage Four Blade Metal Fan should rouse your steampunk spirit. The great thing about this piece is that it still works fine! Now, imagine it already steampunked and cooling down your amused guests. This is one cool buy, literally!
So there you have it. Just consider these ideas and you surely won’t go wrong.
Happy steampunking!