Someone once said that life is all about the simple pleasures. And Anchor Hocking's Prescut Clear pattern is one of mine!
This Anchor Hocking Two Part Relish Dish measures 10" long and is absolutely beautiful. The dish has a rounded rectangular shape with handles at either long end. A divider goes down the middle long ways to divide the dish into 2 sections. This doesn't have to be used as a condiment dish, it is great for nuts or candy too.
Collectors have adored the coveted Precut Clear pattern for years and isn't it clear why? The thick clear glass is embellished with a cut pattern of star bursts and eight-pointed stars, giving it a vintage flavor that is irresistible.
This is the perfect chance to get a replacement Two Part Relish Dish for your Anchor Hocking - Prescut Clear Pattern set. Whether you are trying to complete a set or are missing pieces to your set because of damages, TGL Direct is the perfect place to find that hard to locate replacement piece you need. Check out our Replacements category to find more replacement pieces.