Star Wars Episode One Boss Nass Collectors Cup - 12.25" Tall

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Bring the formidable presence of Star Wars to your collection with this original Collector's Cup! Featuring Boss Nass, this is an integral part of the George Lucas' galactic world.

The fast food style plastic cup bottom is topped off by a cup topper that is made of a rubbery plastic material. The 3D design is the ideal contrast to the clean cut lower half. Boss Nass is sporting an ornate yellow robe with a blue hood covering his green skin. His arms are outreached to make him look as though he is in the midst of speaking.

One side of the cup features the following short blurb on Nass: "Boss Nass, leader of the Gungans, is so highly respected by his people that his commands quickly become Gungan law. Historically isolated from the people of Naboo, Nass helps the Gungans overcome their prejudices and form an alliance to fight the Trade Federation. Lucasfilms Ltd. & TM."

This collectible is in great condition with some slight fading and signs of use on the plastic cup lower half. With Boss Nass in your home, he will instantly take the forefront of any Star Wars collection!
More Information
Weight LBS 0
Weight OZ 10
Length 7.50
Width 4.25
Height 12.25