Capsco President Washington & Martha Washington Gold Trim Plates - 9" Round

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This set of Capsco plates is truly a special vintage find. Its antique design is the perfect way to bring American history into your home decor!

Each plate has a round shape with a slightly shaped edge. The edge is embellished with a thick gold border, which adds some nice shine to the piece. Its white base is embellished by a delicate Victorian-style pattern, featuring interlaced floral designs and curved lines. The center design is where this set truly shines. The first plate has a gorgeous portrait of George Washington, the first elected President of the United States of America. The design looks genuinely antique with soft colors augmenting his facial expression, white hair, and cravat. The second plate features Mary Washington, the First Lady. Her snow white hair and enigmatic expression is embellished by a white bonnet and soft blue ribbon. Together, both pieces complement one another to make a timeless set.

Each plate features the "A Capsco Product by Capitol Souvenir Inc. Washington DC" with a small design of the Capitol Building stamped on the underside. They are both in good condition and free of cracks or chips, though there may be some signs of wear from the ages. Take a look at the photos to admire the incredible antique design - these are memorable collectibles indeed!

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Weight LBS 1
Weight OZ 11
Length 9.00
Width 9.00
Height 0.50
